Every child deserves a pain-free life

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About Us

When our first son was diagnosed with sickle cell at just 2 weeks old, our lives were turned upside down. Determined to find the best care for our son, we dove headfirst into the unknown. Now, after 11 years of learning and growth, we are proud to announce the launch of Crescent Kids.

In 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we started a crowdfunding campaign to provide care packages to families affected by sickle cell. Over the years we have run multiple campaigns in and across Nigeria providing vital aid and funding medical bills for children in need.Ā 

Our ultimate goal as an organisation is to alleviate suffering and save lives. With your support, we can make significant strides towards achieving that goal.

We have one mission - stop the pain

Sickle Cell is the fastest growing genetic condition in the world. It affects a child’s quality of life, education, and social life and is life-threatening. The impact on the child and family unit is catastrophic.